Thursday, April 15, 2010

When Leaving is the Right Thing to do...

How do I start this post without offending? Hmmm. It's my blog, my "diary", so let's just say screw it. I barely update this anyway! My big guy, his name is Ethan, by the way, got a dose of the real world today. In retrospect, it wasn't a huge deal; I knew that things were escalating, violence, sticks, so many boys playing together without supervision (my fault). Ethan had hurt someone, apologized, and all was fine. The little bro of the person that was hurt retaliated once (in front of me). Understood, good brothers always do! It was after that that the laying into happened. This said little bro started hitting Ethan. Ethan actually cried. If you know E, you know it takes a lot of pain to make him cry. The long and short of it, that's when we left. I am so thankful this happened in my view instead of a random playground at a school somewhere, unwitnessed. All in all, it did open my eyes to how my children act after this regular Thurs meet-up. I ignored it because I was selfish! The moms are great people! But I have to get back to the reason we are doing this (homeschooling): to bring up boys of character, and have a closer relationship with them. If anything gets in the way of that, then it has to go.

It's been an unusually quiet day, but I think my bubbly Ethan is back, at 10pm no less! God granted us boys with sensitive hearts, especially E. And just so this post ends on a positive note, with the nice weather, we've had the neighbors over more. I can tell that we haven't had people over in a while when Luke (my youngest) goes around to the guests and asks if they want drinks, would they like to play legos, wii, outside etc. So funny, we have a little host on our hands!