Monday, September 22, 2008

Teeth and lice

I almost forgot to record this event--the first eye tooth has been lost! (Is that called an inciser)? Now I can't even remember the day, but I know it was this month. Boy #1 was working on it at the bathroom sink, and whoops, down it went! So that was a bummer, and he was afraid that he wouldn't get any money. Lo and behold, even the tooth angel (as we call it) forgot the money. My clever husband remedied this situation. He was home briefly in the morning, and asked if Boy 1 had been to the bathroom. He said yes. DH then asked, then how could you miss this? Boy 1 came running, to find the money in the sink--where he'd lost the tooth in the first place. Very clever, I say.

On another note, head lice has been in the house. The neighbor girl has lice and told us (after we took her to church). It is confirmed that I have it--I hugged her just recently. I'm taking the boys to the clinic tomorrow. Oh, and vinegar does not work. This has been the day from hell.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Thrifting Faith

I exersize a lot of my faith by shopping at thrift stores. Sound weird? I'll explain. Whenever we need something non food related, I hit our local thrift stores. Just 3 weeks into soccer season, oldest boy tells me that his cleats are too small. Great. It's very hard to find cleats under $20. So I go to the wonderful Goodwill store, and low and behold there is a like new pair of Nike cleats. Amazing--we praised God right there in the store. It might seem small, but there is such satisfaction in ringing up a $2.50 pair of cleats. One, we are reminded that God takes care of all of our needs. Two, I feel so anti-consumeristic (is that a word?) At least I know a good middleman is getting a cut, and that it's not coming directly from the sweatshops.

On another note, I have some wise sayings from my oldest:
(While in said thrift store)
Me: Could you reach me that shirt off the rack?
Him: (Sighing, but compliant)
Me: (Looking at shirt)
Him: Mom, it's too short for you.
Me: How do you know?
Him: I'm just a sensitive boy.

I laugh and agree...we did not buy the shirt.

Another unrelated conversation with the oldest, today.
(He comes in from skateboarding with a scraped ankle)
Him: It hurts! I wish they made ankle pads.
Me: They do.
Him: They do?
Me: They're called socks.
Him: Nooo. Wait, oh. (Goes into room for a pair of socks).

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It Feels Like Fall

Fall has come early this year. This morning, the kids and I read a book by the fire. Mind you, it doesn't take extreme cold to urge me to turn the fire on. I already had it going a week ago. While reading, I exclaimed, "Look kids, the leaves are falling!" I don't love the cold, but I do love the changing of seasons. Son #2 then said, "That means it's my birthday!"

There is so much to do, with the obvious daily chore of cleaning the house, trying to create a meal plan that everyone will be happy with, 2 boys in soccer, Awanas, and one in scouts. I do like being busy for a season. I'm glad there is an ebb and flow to it, though. Summer and winter are usually our non-busy times.

I have a son that wants to be in everything: dance, tennis, bowling, soccer, you name it. Then, a boy who is happy being in nothing at all. It's a given that they are in Awanas, as we teach it! We did start last week, by the way. It went very well. We have more kids this year, but at least I feel like I know what I'm doing!

I realized, recently, that I haven't filled out my CPI yet! Oops. I'm going to truck on over there today, so that we're legally homeschooling. I guess I'd better get on that. Sorry for the short post. I'll have more later!