Sunday, June 8, 2008

Birthday Fun

So now that I've actually entered 2008 and learned how to post pictures on my blog, I'll backdate some posts to catch up on the happenings. I want to first post a pic of my oldest. This is his cute self, 7 years old and all grown up looking. He chose to go to the Science Center, and see Kung Fu Panda on the IMAX. I can't believe it's been 7 years. The best words to describe him: energetic, athletic, helpful, and smart. I love you, boy.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Stitches

It takes a big event, or a big inspiration to get me to write. So here it is. It was ds1's turn for the ER. He had just run out to play on the swingset with his brother and neighbor friend. The neighbor friend was swinging on the one with the 2-bench seats (does everyone remember those?) Ds1 somehow got in front of it, and it clipped him right beside his right eye. I personally think that is a perfect little scar for a boy--it's cool, man. As ds1 is my more physically agile one, he has hardly had visits to the ER. He's so brave--he was only worried about getting a shot. Let me explain the dif in ER visits of the 80's vs. 2008. My son played a video game through the whole procedure. Now if that's not service! He even got a topical ointment that took 30 min. to set in. Don't remember that one from the 80's! I think I just remember being held down. Yep--that was the 80's procedure.

All-in-all, he will have a band-aid in all his birthday pics, but such as life for a boy!