Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Gardening Habit

It seems that a lot of you out there are having a bad harvest. Well, here's the solution: only one food at a time. Yes, it seems a bit of a time waster, but it's worked for me 2 years in a row! Last year was the mother load of lettuce, this year it's cucumbers. (Anyone out there need cucs, by the way?) I have a little 4x8 ft raised bed garden, so if one plant takes over, it's curtains for all the others! I also planted a tomato plant and strawberry plant. The tomatoes are still green, but I have picked 2 yellow/red ones thus far.
I didn't think I'd enjoy gardening, but scavenging for weeds is quite fun. I love picking the food, um, cucs. It's amazing how fast they grow. I want to plant some kale and some "fall crops," but fail to know what they are exactly. What do I do with my strawberry plant? It's produced nothing, but still looks beautiful. Green leaves, not even dying! In general, do you just let everything go back to seed? Give me your gardening wisdom, all ye gardeners.

On another note, I thought I'd share with you the spiritual journey I've been on lately. I just read the book Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. I'm still digesting it. He basically takes the New Testament and lives it. It sounds simple, but would anyone raise their hand to live in a leper colony? Or, live with the homeless out in the park? Did you know that Jesus was homeless? He stayed in peoples houses, yes He did. He loved the unlovable...am I doing this, too? Yikes. Sometimes I even struggle to be nice to my kids! Seriously give it a read. I'm going to be checking out his other books, too.
What more can I do for my community? It's not enough just to bring people to church. Who wants to wake up early to be just one more place in their week? I need to be Jesus to them. Form a relationship. So you know what I'm doing? I'm having a block party. A good ole fashioned block party. I don't know half the people on my street...isn't that sad? 50 years ago, we'd be in a out of each others homes, borrowing flour, kids running across the street, playing. Why can't we have some semblance of that again? Where is our community roots. So, mid Sept., in the midst of sister's wedding, soccer, boy scouts, and Awanas, we'll be partying. I'm not the best organizer, so I lean on the Lord for wisdom to pull this crazy thing off.


Mama Podkayne said...

I'm calling you today! Will you be at the NBTS party?

Heather's Moving Castle said...

How awesome! Was the block party a success?

I'll send you the birthday pics, but I don't have your email address. We had a great time! Thanks!!!

~Heather B.

Heather's Moving Castle said...

brownsplus2@yahoo.com is my email. meant to give you that. ;)