Friday, December 7, 2007

I've Done All I Can

I tried my home remedies, and it's just not working! I will be going in to the clinic tonight. I apologize for not visiting here twice yesterday, but I was in a delusional feverish state. This will be a short post, as I must get ready to go. I'm ready to do the rest of my shopping--online. This is the point of the year when I don't visit anymore stores. Especially with the shootings and all. Our weather is crazy, and we're supposed to get another snow storm. It's so fun to be inside while all of this goes on. Any of you out there of the praying variety, please pray for my kidney situation. It's a little scary that these things keep happening.


Lifedreamed said...

i'll pray for you. i hope your doing better. what did the doc say?

Christine said...

Take care, I hope you are feeling better soon. It's good to hear from you!